Sunday, June 5, 2022


 Okay, so this topic in particular it's a very hard one to talk about for me because my career had a big innovation process just a couple years ago, being the first one on a big scale because they had a change that involved teachers, administrative people and students from different years and from the 3 mentions that our career has. Anthropology with his 3 "paths" to choose from the 3rd year onwards makes this whole innovation thing much more complex and time consuming for everyone involved. Since this process started when I was on my 3rd year already things didn´t really changed for me at that time but because things happened  in the recent years now I'm having one of those improved subjects and honestly it's much better now, the workload is now reduced because that one subject is and was one of the latest and now is splited on two wich makes it much easier and aprochable in terms of homework and reading. I´d say that the curriculum is fine, is pretty "local" in a way that we learn about the great civilizations on the first years and is more like an introduction to Archaeology but later the knowledge is much more focused on local contexts from Chile and Latinoamerica in general, this curriculum is very oriented to teach us the fundamental on theory and Archaeologycal record, and then proceed to put it on a local context. Something I think is key to keep improving this discipline in our University is to get more research facilities, especially laboratories to analise what we bring out of our excavations and prospections, having some advanced tecnology would be awesome too, so we dont need to send samples or specimens to foreing labs (wich are pretty expensive and sometimes kinda slow).

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